Extra Credits® and Extra History® are YouTube channels with a combined 4 million subscribers that have created more than a 1,500 original short-form animated videos discussing subjects from video games to world history, all of which may or may not involve a cat!
Our team is made up of entertainment enthusiasts with backgrounds in videos academia, games, literature, pop culture and television. We leverage game design and entertainment industry principles to create shows that educate as they entertain, and encourage people both to explore new subjects and think critically about topics they care about.
Games are the most popular form of mass entertainment. Extra Credits® talks about the art, industry, community and design of video games in a way that engages industry enthusiasts and professionals alike.

History is the best novel you've ever read. Extra History® brings viewers the betrayals and blood feuds, the heroic sacrifices and impossible triumphs, the daily struggles and tiny joys, that together have created the world we know today.
Literature gives us the opportunity to experience lives, perspectives, and worlds different from our own. Though remember, friend, a good story has many readings… and ours is but one.
Our myths define us. They are the basis of our culture. Extra Mythology helps to retell these foundational tales of heroism and tragedy for viewers in the internet age.
Over the past 200 years Science Fiction has had a huge impact on our culture. It’s stirred our dreams and changed the course of real science. Extra Sci-Fi engages with science fiction as literature, tracing its historical roots and exploring the ideas it lays out before us.